Why Bother? Where To Send It Timing A Few Points of Style of Press Release
1. Coming Event 2. Feature Story 3. News Story
What to Write About Media Bias |
The Feature StoryWhile news stories must follow a fairly regimented style, with the feature story a reporter has quite a bit of latitude to tell a story in an interesting way. Sometimes the general restriction against reporters expressing their opinions is relaxed as well.Also, feature stories are not usually as timely as news stories, so writers have a bit more time to work on them, and they are usually longer than news stories. Sometimes they receive front-page coverage as well. For these reasons, reporters like feature stories. You should too, because, in all likelihood your church is full of feature stories. You don't believe it? Then ask yourself these two questions: If you can't say yes to either of these questions, your church needs more help than a press release can give it. So let's assume the answer is yes. A note to the newspaper suggesting a story and telling what is interesting about the person or ministry is often enough to prompt a story. As I mentioned, feature stories are not as structured as news stories; however, they do have one critical element, often called the "hook." This simply means that there has to be something catchy or interesting about the story that can be stated in the first paragraph to hook the reader. Keep this in mind when you go fishing for a feature story. If you hook the editor, the editor will know that a writer can hook the reader. This hook doesn't have to be particularly ingenious. Simply state right up front why this story is interesting. So, simply say up front why this story is interesting, then provide any supporting details that you can below. Here are some examples of opening paragraphs.
Examples STORY IDEA - New Arts Academy Feb. 20, 1999
First Avenue Church Contact: Marlene Lee - (818) 555-1212 Dear Editor: I thought you might be interested in interviewing Marlene Lee, director of what we think may be the newest arts school in the Hometown area, First Church's Creative Arts Academy. The school was begun last September and has already grown to about 100 students. I've provided a bit of background below. ### Notice that the hook is that the school is new and is growing rapidly.
STORY IDEA - 30th Anniversary of Developmentally Disabled Class Feb. 20, 1999
First Avenue Church Contact: Helen James - (818) 555-1212 Dear Editor: I thought you might be interested in interviewing Helen James, who 30 years ago founded, and still leads, a 45-member Sunday School class for the developmentally disabled at First Church in Hometown. I've included a bit of detail about her and the class below. ### Here the hook is that it is the 30th anniversary of a ministry run by a very dedicated woman. Notice that this example uses the "old" approach, and previous example uses the "new."
A Couple Comments
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